If only people could show their new growth in some tangible way like the evergreen trees. I believe I would look for those interesting people with the bright new green growth showing on their fingertips. They would be the lifelong learners. The book readers. The crafts people and artists. The growers and healers. Dreamers and writers, explorers across timelines: I would choose them for my companions. I would be able to eliminate with a glance the closed minded and unbending. The “my way or the highway” sorts. The people content to do life the same way never looking for new ideas, viewpoints or taking a chance. They would have no new green needles on their fingertips.
But it’s not that easy. The visible growth signs in people are just not as obvious as bright new green needles. At times I may glimpse a telltale twinkle in the eye or a lift in the footstep. But the most likely time to find growing people is when I strive to grow myself. At the edges and crossroads of my days. When I myself am changing. When I am both daring and being my most true self. That’s when I find green needles popping out. And I can say it’s a good year for growing things.