Give Thanks:
For sweet hopes born
For sorrows dead,
For true songs sung
For fond words said,
For the ready cup
For the daily bread.
And from me a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported me through another year of being Wistful.
Before the Wistful Grandma has the last craft show of 2018 we will be gathering for Thanksgiving. With that in mind I would like to share with you the words I found printed on an antique postcard. No author was cited but the short poem caught my eye. And the words, to me, seem timeless.
Give Thanks: For sweet hopes born For sorrows dead, For true songs sung For fond words said, For the ready cup For the daily bread. And from me a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported me through another year of being Wistful.
Today I bought some eggs. A very ordinary task in the course of keeping a household running smoothly. Everybody’s got to eat right? But when I opened up the carton to transfer the eggs into the egg holder, there was a surprise inside. No it was not the occasional broken egg or a rotten smell. It was the message seen in the picture above.
I had to stop and smile for a moment. How did they know? It was a good morning. And how wonderful to be reminded that I am beautiful. But really did I need an egg carton to tell me this? I should be just as kind to myself as that piece of styrofoam. I should be naturally as optimistic as the message printed there. And I need to strive to share that same message. I can be an egg carton too. So consider this blog my message to all of you. No matter what kind of day you’re having stop for a moment. In my world, you’ve just opened my virtual egg carton. And the message reads “Good Morning Beautiful”. Now go and have a wonderful day. Little kids have the right way to look at the world. After spending a weekend with my grandkids, especially my six-year-old grandson, I am convinced of it.
As a grandparent I feel it is my job to make sure the grandkids have a good time every time we are together. I remember how excited my kids were to be spoiled by their grandparents and I want to provide that same feeling for the next generation. So it is a pleasure to plan special activities, make their favorite foods and give them my attention. And the pleasure given is more than equally returned. And part of that return is my grandson’s favorite phrase at the end of every day we spend together - “This was the best day ever!” If only we would all say that. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and for many it will be a special day. But it shouldn’t take a holiday to make a day special. We need to look at each day with thankful eyes and the heart of a six-year-old. When a day goes well. When we spend time with people we love. When we have enough food to eat and a warm place to spend the night. Because, in truth, that makes each day “the best day ever!” We all have them. Those items in the refrigerator that should have been thrown out long ago. You know the ones. They are in less than prime condition because they have gone past their expiration date. Sometimes they make their presence known because they start to smell or grow that interesting green stuff. Sometimes we find them in the back of the shelf and are amazed at how long they have been there. And sometimes the date says they’re bad but they still look and smell just fine. I have trouble throwing those out. Expiration dates. They help keep the refrigerator in order. But not everything has one.
I heard a saying long ago. “There is no expiration date on a dream”. And as I move into the later years of my life I’m realizing just how true that is. I may be in less than prime condition as compared to my 21 year old self. But my dreams are still valid. Some of them have been on the back shelf but to my surprise this may be exactly the time to move them to the front. They still look good to me and so far no one has told me that they smell! I’ve searched my mind to see if they should be discarded for more “mature” things, if I should just forget about that someday wish list or those things that I knew I always wanted to do but never had time for. I keep looking to see if they have an expiration date. But I can’t find it. So I guess I’ll just keep going. And I advise everyone else to do the same. But you might want to check out your refrigerator anyway. |