I lost count of how many times I must have walked past those curtains and the thought of hemming them came into my mind. But other things seemed more important. And I continued to walk past. But here is the truth. Once I stopped and did the task it didn’t take very long. It looks really nice and gives me so much satisfaction each time I walk by and realize it’s been taken care of. The difference was just taking the time to actually do it.
And so it is with what I choose to do each day. People look at the amount of crafts in my booth at a fair, a handmade gift I give or the size of my garden and comment “How do you have the time to do this?” The answer is not that I have more hours in my day. Or that I have some magical formula to get things done faster than anyone else. I have no minions working secretly in a closet in my house. The difference is I just do it. And that, at times, is what defines success. So whatever you’ve been walking past and been thinking about doing, just stop. Do it. You will feel better. Just a small change can make a positive difference in life.