As a grandparent I feel it is my job to make sure the grandkids have a good time every time we are together. I remember how excited my kids were to be spoiled by their grandparents and I want to provide that same feeling for the next generation. So it is a pleasure to plan special activities, make their favorite foods and give them my attention. And the pleasure given is more than equally returned. And part of that return is my grandson’s favorite phrase at the end of every day we spend together - “This was the best day ever!”
If only we would all say that. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and for many it will be a special day. But it shouldn’t take a holiday to make a day special. We need to look at each day with thankful eyes and the heart of a six-year-old. When a day goes well. When we spend time with people we love. When we have enough food to eat and a warm place to spend the night. Because, in truth, that makes each day “the best day ever!”