The body is an amazing thing. Every day when I am in good health I never think of what a wonderful thing it is to get out of bed each morning and just go about my day. Breathing, walking, eating without effort. Taking care of myself without assistance. Not needing drugs to make life comfortable. Having no limitations so I can change my plans whenever I want. That's what the expectation is with health. But when surgery sets you back, you can either be miserable or look at it as a lesson in appreciation. Appreciation for the people who help you. Appreciation of the ability of your body to heal and resume normal function. Appreciation of getting back to just the ordinary.
So as I relearn the joy of putting on my own shoes again, walking further than the driveway, and as I'm putting the crutches back in the attic, I'm going to keep this new perspective in mind. This body may be getting older, but it's still got some miles to go. The ordinary is to be appreciated.