As I look over the box of new fruit I can’t help but notice that all oranges, by outward appearance anyway, are not created equal. Some have perfect unblemished peels. Some are perfectly round. And some are quite the opposite. Bumpy, lopsided and at times spotted they stand out in the crowd. In the grocery store I’m sure no one would want them. But here in my box I’ve learned something about them. Most of the time they are the best. That ugly peel covers the most delicious fruit. Yummy and juicy, fragrant and fresh they beat out the perfect oranges almost every time. Perfection it seems, may be highly over rated.
So in my world, life is not like a box of chocolates as the popular movie states. It’s more like a box of oranges. And the people and experiences that inhabit it do resemble that assortment of orange orbs in the box. Now I’m not saying that some of my oranges aren’t perfect because they are. But what I am saying is I find so much value and interest in those imperfect oranges that I remain fascinated and willing to look deeper than the peel to see what’s underneath. So sort through your orange boxes everyone, and see what’s been rolling around in there. Look under that peel and you might just be pleasantly surprised.